The Moderate of the general Assembly of Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Rt. Rev. Prof. Joseph Obiri Yeboah Mante on Tuesday June, 30, 2020 has commissioned seven new reverend ministers into the church after their successful studies.

The seven newly commissioned Presbyterian reverend ministers whose commissioning took place at the Kaneshie Congregation include Rev. Ebenezer Kweku Kwesi, Rev. Samuel Adu-Panin, Rev. Reynolds Agyarko, Rev. Emmanuel Owusu Brobbey, Rev. Moses Sackey-Tetteh Madjitey, Rev. Isaac Asare-Addo and Rev. Samuel Offei.

The above ministers were part of the 27 new pastors of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana that successfully completed their pastoral studies from the Trinity Theological Seminary and are due commissioning but because of the Corona virus crisis social gathering protocols in the Country, they were divided into four different groups.

In respect to that, the commissioning for the other 20 new pastors are scheduled to taken place at different places throughout the country on different days and at different times to avoid over crowding.

The Moderator of the general Assembly of PCG after the successful commissioning of the new reverend ministers advised them to go and be good Ambassadors to the Church and win souls to the Lord almighty.

He continued to caption them that after this commissioning ceremony they status in society has changed and they must understand that as servants in the house of the Lord, they must be fathers to their congregations and the general public which will attract a lot of lost souls to the Lord as he wishes them well in their chosen path of service in the house of the Lord.

Rev. Samuel Atteh Odjelua, Chairperson of Dangme Tongu Presbytery who led a delegation from his area to witness the commissioning of their son, Rev. Ebenezer K. Kwesi in an interview with after the ceremony congratulates the newly commissioned reverend ministers as he used the opportunity to advice to let their pastoral lives be guided by the Principals of the Bible and by so doing they shall be successful servants of the Lord and his people.