Over 500 GNATLAS members of the Ghana Nation Association of Teachers in the Asuogyaman District on Thursday 16th June, 2022 received Women Empowerment and Skills training at Wesley Methodist Church, Akosombo Auditorium.

GNATLAS being the women wing of GNAT and as such the Leadership of the Association in the Asuogyaman District has outlined several initiatives to empowered them.

Mr. Harrison Mompi, Asuogyaman District Chairman of GNAT speaking at the Empowerment Summit and Skills training reaffirmed his commitment as the Chairman to do all within his capacity to improve the living standards of the members since that’s the best way to attract more members and grow the Association.

He further continued to entreat all members of GNAT in the Association District to take full advantage of this and all similar programs that they will be organizing since it will go a long way to help them have other sources of income to comprehend the already existing sources as well as give them Knowledge.

He concluded by acknowledging their key sponsors by whose support they were able to successfully organize the program and they’re ; Pan African Savings and Loan, Hydro Credit, Teachers Fund and Mompi Walker Enterprise LTD.

Asougyaman District Director of Education, Mrs. Augustina Owusu addressing gathering applauded the Organisers, GNAT – Asuogyaman District and their partners for putting this all important initiative together in the best interest of their members.

She advised the participants to take such opportunities very serious since it will go a long way to help improve their income levels as well as reduce spending since they can produce some of the products they are taught through the skills training for personal use at home.

Mrs. Lydia Fuah Hayford, GNAT Secretary from the Yilo Krobo Municipality who was the Guest speaker at the Women Empowerment Summit session challenged the Women to try and add value to themselves by acquiring knowledge through further studies which will put them in good position to lead in different capacity.

She continue to entreat them to take all avenue to acquire skills very serious since financial empowered woman is an independent woman with power and control over her life.

All the participants who were members of GNATLAS, Asuogyaman District had the opportunity to receive skills training in Bleach Production, Pastry Making, Comestics, Soap Making among other.

The trained participants received certificates after the successful training sessions as part of the Women Empowerment Summit.