The Lower Manya Krobo Municipal Education Directorate held its maiden edition of Accounting to the Director Forum at the Municipal Education Office, Kpong, on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024.

Mr. Samuel Kwesi Tettey, Lower Manya Krobo Municipal Education Director, addressing the gathering, stated that, by policy, every public entity is requested to sign a performance contract with his employer for every year.

The purpose, among others, is to provide a working document to guide the activities of the organisation and ensure that all activities are geared towards the achievement of the set targets.

It also provides a formal opportunity for employees to give feedback on their performance, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.

It also offers a chance to recognise achievements, establishes accountability, and creates a record of performance for future reference. In light of this, the Director General has signed a performance contract with the Minister of Education, the Regional Director, and the Director General.

All directors in the various MMDAs have signed with the regional director, while all heads of schools have also signed with their director.

Now, as a way of monitoring to see whether the right things are being done and not to wait until the end of the year only to realise that a lot of things have gone wrong, it has been made mandatory in the performance contract document that every level of management must periodically account to his immediate superior so that identified weaknesses and shortfalls could be addressed as a formative measure to ensure that targets set are achieved at the end of the contract period.

Pursuant to this, the Lower Manya Krobo Municipal Education Directorate today held its maiden session, and fortunately, it was started with a delegation from Odumase Foreman Memorial Basic School and Atua Presby Basic School.

Mr. Samuel Kwesi Tettey stated that every school will be given the opportunity to come and account not only to the director but to management and all of us so that together we will all see the need to support our schools to perform better.

It is against this backdrop that the Municipal Education Directorate has invited the key stakeholders; the SISO, the headteacher, a teacher, a student, an SMC member, a PTA member, and the Assembly member of the community to also be part of this programme.
The Municipal Director of Education made it clear that it is not a witch-hunting platform but rather an opportunity to fine-tune their activities towards the achievement of our performance contract targets to improve performance. Consequently, after each presentation, there will be time for questions and suggestions for improvement.