Together with the elders and Asafoatse Dum Ohuapo II, the Divisional chief of Opker in the Yilo Krobo Traditional Area, Nene Teye Agor IX has joined the people of Playo in a communal labor to start the construction of a four unit class room block for the community.

The gesture was in response to the chief’s visit to some schools in Okper on the 7th day of August 2021, where he realized the poor nature of most of the school buildings and other infrastructure which needs urgent attention if a prosperous future of the children is to be guaranteed.

Nene Teye Agor IX who then organized a meeting with the community after the tour to the schools inculcated the “we can do spirit” to the residents, which they bought into the idea patriotism is key to national development.

During the visit, Nene Teye Agor IX presented to the community bags of cement and street lights to encourage them on the need to take initiatives in addressing their problems.

“I believe in starting to solve our own problems, people will come to our aid when they see the effort – I said to them during my visit in July 2021”.

“Together we have started construction works with our limited resources. I’m appealing to the government, NGO’s, organizations and individuals to come to our aid to give our children a conducive environment for learning.

We appreciate building materials rather than cash when coming to our aid”, he added.