Hon. Simon Kweku Tetteh, MCE for Lower Manya Krobo Municipality, commended the staff of the Assembly for their efforts in the previous year and urged them to up their game this year for the Assembly to achieve more successes in the year.

Addressing the staff of the Municipal Assembly at the first staff durbar of the calendar year, which was held on Friday, January 20, 2023, Hon. Simon Kweku Tetteh stated that for the Assembly to continue to maintain its secondary city status, which comes with a lot of projects and other benefits, the entire management and staff of the Assembly must give their all in their line of duty.

He further said that qualifying for the next Secondary Cities Support Program is a must since it will provide the assembly with some resources to tackle some of the infrastructure gaps in the municipality.

Among other issues, Hon. Simon Kweku Tetteh entreated the staff gathered to give due respect to the structures of authority in the system since that’s the best way to foster peaceful coexistence among the working family at the Assembly and achieve more development in the best interest of the community they serve.

Mr. Selorm Kwame Tibu, Coordinating Director of the Assembly, called in his remarks on the entire staff of the Municipal Assembly to respect the rules and regulations set for public and civil servants like them since some actions of the staff can cause problems for themselves and management as well.

He further appealed to the staff to strictly follow the chain of command in handling their grievances in the best interest of maintaining a peaceful working relationship among staff, and he concluded by assuring the staff that his office is open to all staff at all times for any administrative discussions and other purposes.

A team from the Eastern Regional CLOGSAG office, led by Mr. Foster Akopka, Regional CLOGSAG secretary, also engaged the staff on the need to be responsible staff at their various duty posts since not all situations of staff indiscipline or misconduct are ones that the Workers Union can defend.

He also continued to comprehensively take the gathered staff through the structures and operations of CLOGSAG as he advised them to constantly check on their contributions since it would be of great help to them in times of urgent need.

Mr. Foster Akopka concluded by advising the staff of Lower Manya Krobo Municipality to be very mindful of the retirement that is ahead of them and to be saving for a reliable and peaceful retirement.