His Royal Majesty, Nene Sakite I reigned from 1867 to 29 January 1892.This photo shows a combination of traditional and colonial symbolic elements.The clothes,the umbrella and the staffs of office held by several persons portray the traditional aspect, meanwhile, the necklace, the badge and the sword were presented to him by the then British Governor for his merits in the 1873-74 Anglo-Ashanti-war.

The sword had an inscription stating “Presented to King Sakitey” by Command of Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, for his Faithful Services to the Queen (Victoria) during the Anglo-Ashanti War of 1873-74. The badge states “Sakitey, Glover’s Force 1873-4” and the necklace “For Services 1873-4”. All these items including the long double-headed smoking pipe still belong to the stool regalia of the Manya Krobo Paramouncy.
NB:The man standing at the right-end with white turban and small sword on his chest is a member of the British Colonial Hausa Police Force sent from Nigeria to Gold Coast(Ghana)