His Royal Majesty, Nene Sakite II, Konor of Manya Krobo Traditional Area, has called for peaceful coexistence and tolerance for diverse views toward the development of the great Manya Krobo Traditional State.

Nene Sakite II, made this call during the Manya Krobo Traditional Council meeting held on Monday, October 17, 2022, at the forecourt of His Palace, Odumase-Krobo.

Nene Konor, addressing the gathering, called on his subjects to find peaceful ways of resolving issues rather than resorting to violence and litigation, since that will bring nothing positive to Manya Krobo other than creating avoidable division, which has been our only enemy to development.

Nene Sakite II, during the traditional council meeting asked for briefings from the divisional leaders regarding their readiness for the upcoming Ngmayem Festival 2022, which is days away from now.

Upon several briefings and discussions on issues from the various divisional leaderships at the traditional council meeting, His Royal Majesty Nene Sakite II expressed his satisfaction and again called for unity ahead of the festival.

The Chairman of the Manya Krobo Ngmayem Festival Planning Committee, Mr. Partey Samadji, also addressed the house on their plans, programs, and activities for the 2022 Ngmayem Festival, which kicks off on Sunday, October 23rd, with the official performance of rituals at the main Manya Krobo shrine in Odumase-Krobo.
He further informed the house of the confirmed information from the seat of government that the President of the Republic of Ghana, H.E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo will be joining the good people of Manya Krobo to celebrate this year’s Ngmayem Festival Celebration.

Other issues during the Traditional Council Meeting: His Royal Majesty Nene Sakite II welcomed and expressed his blessings to the newly appointed Manya Krobo state linguist, Okyeame Lawer from Akwenor, as he assured him of great times of service for taking the mantle of his forefathers.

His Royal Majesty Nene Sakite II tasked him to learn from the senior state linguists to help him come up to speed within the shortest possible time in the best interest of the Manya Krobo Traditional Area as he wished him well.