Dr. Bansah Miriam Theodorah, A medical officer at the St. Martin de Porres Hospital, Agormanya in the Lower Manya Krobo Municipality in the Eastern is the young female doctor who successfully delivered Madam Helen Tettey, 37 years of Quintuplets (5 girls).
She Successfully delivered the Babies through an emergency Caesarean section (CS) in the early hours of Wednesday 13th July, 2022 at the Modern theater of the Baby and Mother Unit of the St. Martin de Porres Hospital, Agormanya.
This is her first time of delivering Quintuplets in her professional career and very successful is remarkable.
Dr. Bansah Miriam Theodorah who comes from Fodome Xelu and Likpe Agbozume in the volta and Oti region respectively was trained in Kharkov National Medical University in Ukraine.
She joined the profession in May 2017 as she later started working at the St. Martin de Porres Hospital, Agormanya barely 3 years ago.
In an exclusive interview with www.krobolandonline.com after the successful delivery of the Quintuplets she stated that during the surgical procedure, her only worries was that, knowing too well that the emergency Caesarean section is going to bring forth of pre term babies and the lack of modern incubators in their numbers to adequately manage the babies at the facility was her only fear but God being so good both babies and Mother are all doing well as the medical team at the facility are currently taking the best management decisions in the best interest of both the Mother and her babies.
She said and I quote
“Currently we don’t have adequate incubators in the facility making the management of extreme preterms difficult”
She used the opportunity to call on well meaning Ghanaians, government, social agancies, Youth groups, NGOs among others to come to their aid since sometimes despite their personnel as in Profession Medical Doctors strength without some of this modern human management equipments their work will still be difficult.
Dr. Bansah Miriam Theodorah used the opportunity acknowledge her assistant EUNICE KUSI ASAMOAH
PA Priscilla Awuku, Jacqueline Gymafi, Esther
Betty Baah, Selina Antwi, Margaret Larbi,
Berlinda and Sunita for their understanding work.