HFUND micro credit enterprise which is licensed by BOG , and a member of MCAG,is two years old and as part of activities of 2nd anniversary on Friday 22nd April, 2022 donate boxes of Lipton, Boxes Cube Sugar and Packs of Ideal Milk to the Muslim Community in the Lower Manya Krobo Municipality at Kpong.

Harry Akuerter, CEO of micro credit enterprise said as part of their cooperate social responsibilities, they deemed it necessary to donate this foodstuffs to the Muslim community in the Municipality as he asked them to prayer for Mother Ghana, the Lower Manya Krobo Municipality and HFUND micro credit enterprisefor priority and success.

Hon. Siba Alhassan on behalf of the entire Muslim Community in the Lower Manya Krobo Municipality expressed their heartiest appreciation to entire
HFUND micro credit enterprise fraternity as he asked for the blessings of Ya Allah upon their Business.

Harry Akuerter, CEO of HFUND micro credit enterprise in an exclusive interview with www.krobolandonline.com after the donation assured that as a business entity in the Lower Manya Krobo Municipality, they are committed to take their cooperate social responsibilities serious as they will do more in the best interest of the social they operate.