The Konor of Manya Krobo, Nene Sakite II has cautioned the trans- Volta separatists to erase the name of Krobo Land from their so- called Western Togoland.

According to him, the Krobo enclave has always been part of Ghana since Gold Coast and will not join any group of persons who want to part way with Ghana or whatsover.

The Paramount Chief gave this warning at a media conference today in response to the recent sign post erected at Akuse and Akorle in the Lower Manya and Yilo Krobo municipalities respectively.

Nene Sackite II affirmed that the good people of the Manya Krobo has nothing to do with the Western Togo land agenda, the Krobos are happy to have found themselves located in Ghana.

He therefore urged the security agency to extend their surveillance to arrest and prosecute whoever is behind that agenda.

Nene Sackite II also used the medium to officially declare the cancelation of this year’s Ngmayem Festival which was supposed to have been observed in the last week of October due to the Corona virus pandemic as he already communicated to the general public some months ago as part of measures to curb the spread of the Corona virus.

He also announced the suspension of all mass final family funeral durbars which are usually held at the community durbar grounds weeks and days before the Ngmayem Festival, advising families to try and hold mini family funerals durbars instead to help in observing the Covid-19 protocols since we’re not in good times.

Nene Sakite II further empowered the Security agancies in the area to strictly enforce the Covid-19 laid down rules and regulations by the President as he called on the good people of the area to observe the protocols since that’s the only way to survive during this crisis times as we hope all this shall be over soon for us to gather again as one people for the family celebrations and occasions.

Nene Konor also hinted that the Traditional Council will have its first council general meeting in the next 10 days to discuss and take some important decisions in the traditional setup as he assured to communicate the outcome of their General meeting to the media afterward.

Present at the news conference are; Nene Tettey-Ku Gbadadji – Regent for Jebiam, Nene Asada Ahor – Akuse Division who doubled as the PRO of the Traditional Council, Nene Asafoatse Teye Momor – Piengua, Nene Adugbatey Blemano – Akwenor,
Asafoatse Tettey Wayo – Akwenor, Asafoatse Banah – Suisi and Nene Majanor Titeiku Okumo.